Saturday, August 30, 2008

Possible Locations of Atlantis

There are many different proposed locations for Atlantis. This is a list of them.

Atlantic Ocean
Caribbean / Bimini

Mediterranean Sea
Thera / Santorini

South America

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Seeking Atlantis

It has captured the imagination for centuries. Since Plato first described it in Timeaus and Critias, scholars, skeptics and generations of believers have debated whether it was simply an allegory, or whether Atlantis truly existed in the deep past.

While it may never be proved one way or the other, the quest for Atlantis is what drives many to discover other, tangibly real artifacts and information. Rather than proving or disproving Atlantis, perhaps a good look should be taken at the overall picture of mysterious and uncategorizable artifacts, and perhaps some aspects of our general understanding of history need to be revised.

Perhaps not.

Either way, Seeking Atlantis is about discovery, and knowledge, and the desire to believe in things that may not be truly "real".